Publications in journals

  • Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Thomas, N.; Puigjaner, R., "Adaptive admission control algorithm in a QoS-aware Web system", "Information Sciences", 2012. Paper.
  • Juiz, C.; Gómez, M.; Barceló, M.I., "Business/IT Alignment through the Project Portfolio Approval Process as IT Governance Instrument", "Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences", Volume 65, Pages 70-75, 2012. Paper.
  • Juiz, C.; Gómez, M.; Barceló, M.I., "Implementing Business/IT Projects Alignment through the Project Portfolio Approval Process", "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering", Volume 180, Pages 1-8, 2012. Paper.
  • Mehdi Khouja;Carlos Juiz;Ramon Puigjaner;Farouk Kamoun, "A Semantic-Enhanced Distributed Architecture for Providing and Consuming Web Services using DPWS", "Journal of Information Assurance and Security", Volume 7, Issue 5, Pages 316-323, 2012. Paper.