Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "An Up-to-date Survey in Web Load Balancing", "World Wide Web-Internet And Web Information Systems", Volume 14, Issue -, Pages 105-131, 2011. Paper.
Juiz, C., "New engagement model of IT Governance and IT Management for the communication of the IT value at enterprises", "Communications in Computer and Information Science", Volume 194, Pages 129-144, 2011. Paper.
Alcaraz, S.; Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Accommodating Short and Long Web Traffic Flows over a DiffServ Architecture", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Volume 6977, Pages 14-28, 2011. Paper.
Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "From the origins of Performance Evaluation to New Green ICT Performance Engineering", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Volume 6821, Pages 49-60, 2011. Paper.