Gilly, K.; Thomas, N.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Scalable QoS content-aware load balancing algorithm for a Web Switch based on classical policies", "IEEE", Volume -, Pages 934-941, 2008. Paper.
Juiz, C., "Performance analysis of a client-side caching/prefetching system for Web traffic Balamash A., Krunz M., Nain P. Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking 51(13): 3673-3692, 2007", "ACM Computing Reviews", 2008. Review.
Juiz, C., "Performance scalability of a multi-core web server Veal B., Foong A. Architecture for networking and communications systems, Orlando, Florida, USA, Dec 3-4 2007, 57-66, 2007. 204 pp. Type: Proceedings", "ACM Computing Reviews", 2008. Review.
Juiz, C., "A comparison of ontology reasoning systems using query sequences, Lee C., Park S., Lee D., Lee J., Jeong O., Lee S. Ubiquitous information management and communication, Suwon, Korea, 543-546, 2008.", "ACM Computing Reviews", 2008. Review.
Juiz, C., "Performance modeling for service oriented architectures" Brebner P. Software engineering, Leipzig, Germany, May 10-18 2008, 953-954, 2008" [], "ACM Computing Reviews", 2008. Review.
Juiz, C., "Improving performance and reducing energy-delay with adaptive resource resizing for out-of-order embedded processors.", "ACM Computing Reviews", 2008. Review.
Gilly, K.; Thomas, N.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Scalable QoS content-aware load balancing algorithm for a Web Switch based on classical policies", "International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008)", Volume 22, 2008. Paper.