Juiz, C., "Web servers under overload: How scheduling can help Schroeder B., Harchol-Balter M. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 6(1): 20-52, 2006. Type: Article", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volume 2007, Issue Mayo, 2007. Review.
Juiz, C., "Modeling epidemic spreading in mobile environments Mickens J., Noble B. Wireless security (Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Wireless Security, Cologne, Germany, Sep 2, 2005) 77-86. 2005. Type: Proceedings", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volume 2007, Issue Enero, 2007. Review.
Haring, G.; Juiz, C.; Petriu, D., "Software and Performance", "Journal of Systems and Software", Volume 80, Issue 4, Pages 439-440, 2007. Paper.
Juiz, C., "Fault evaluation for security-critical communications devices Rae A., Fidge C., Wildman L. Computer 39(5): 61-68, 2006. Type: Article", "ACM Computing Reviews", 2007. Review.
Gilly, K.; Alcaraz, S.; Juiz, C. and Puigjaner, R., "Service differentiation and QoS in a scalable content-aware load balancing algorithm", "Simualtion Symposium", Pages 185-193, 2007. Paper.
Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Dynamic web fragment architecture" [http://www.sistedes.es/], "Actas de los Talleres de las Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos" [http://www.sistedes.es/TJISBD/], Volume I, Issue 3, Pages 1-10, 2007. Paper.
Alcaraz, S.; Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "A Token Bucket Model with Assured Forwarding for Web Traffic", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Volume 4658, Pages 298-307, 2007. Paper.
Juiz, C., "Quality of Service Measures of Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Network using Energy Consumption Mitigation with Asynchronous Inactivity Periods. Mavromoustakis C., Karatza H.", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volume 83, Issue 1, Pages 107-122, 2007. Review.