Juiz, C., "Proxy-assisted periodic broadcast with multiple servers Kusmierek E., Du D. Distributed computing systems (Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops - W7: EC (ICDCSW'04), Mar 23-24, 2004) 91-96. 2004. Type: Proceedings", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volume 2006, Issue Agosto, 2006. Review.
Juiz, C., "Systems architecture: the empirical way: abstract architectures to 'optimal' systems Hellestrand G. Embedded software (Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Embedded Software, Jersey City, NJ, USA, Sep 18-22, 2005) 147-158. 2005. Type: Proceedings", "ACM Computing Reviews", Volume 2006, Issue Octubre, 2006. Review.
Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Performance-related Ontologies for Ubiquitous Intelligence based on Semantic Web Applications", "IEEE", Volume I, Pages 675-680, 2006. Paper.
Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Performance-related Ontologies for ubiquitous computing", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2006. Paper.
Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Performance-related Ontologies and Semantic Web applications for On-line Performance Assessment of Intelligent Systems", "Science of Computer Programming", Volume 61, Issue 1, Pages 27-37, 2006. Paper.
Lera, I.; Juiz, C. i Puigjaner, R., "Performance-related Ontologies for Ubiquitous Intelligence based on Semantic Web Applications", "Advanced Information Networking and Applications", Volume 1, Pages 675-680, 2006. Paper.
Impaglaizzo, J.; Aráoz, J.; Barán, B.; Contreras, J.; Pont, A. i Puigjaner, R., "Evolution of Computing in Spanish-speaking Countries - A Panel Presentation", "History of Computing and Education", Pages 49-57, 2006. Paper.
Miñano, B.; Lera, I.; Sancho, P.P; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R., "Context-broker service architecture for AmI systems through mobile-agents and ontologies as middleware", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", Volume 4331, Pages 907-916, 2006. Paper.