Juiz, C.. . "4th International Telecommunication NEtworking WorkShop on QoS in Multiservice IP Networs (QoS-IP 2008)", Venecia, Italy, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. . "41st Annual Simulation Symposium. Proceedings SCS", Ottawa, Canada, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. . "4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2008)", Funchal, Portugal, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. . "First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SimuTOOLS 2008)", Marsella, France, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Juiz, C.. . "2008 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP'08", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. . "5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA'08)", Orlando, United States, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Juiz, C.. . "The 5th International Workshop on the Application of UML/MDA to Software Systems (UMSS'2008).", Las Vegas, United States, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. . "The Second International Workshop on Software Architecture Research and Practice SARP 2008", Bucarest, Romania, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. , "10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08)", Dalian, China, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. , "WMS'08 (International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Security) in conjunction with the Second International Conference on Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies, NGMAST'08", Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C. i Puigjaner, R.. , "Web Performance and Behavior Ontology". "CISIS 08 Second International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems", Barcelona, Spain, 2008. Publication data: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. (ISBN: 978-0-7695-3109-1). Paper presentation.
Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. . "Conferencia Latino-Americana de Estudios en Informática, CLEI 2008", Santa Fe, Argentina, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. . "Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive Software Systems (SEASS'08)", Pekín, China, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Carlos Juiz García. . "CIAWI 2008 IADIS Internet 2008 conference", Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Quick Ontology Mapping Algorithm for distributed environments". "WorldComp'08", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2008. Paper presentation.
Gilly, K.; Alcaraz, S.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Burstiness detection in a Web Adaptive cluster system". "First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems, SIMUTools 2008", Marsella, France, 2008. Publication data: Proceedings of First International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems, SIMUTools 2008.. ISBN: 978-963-9799-23-3. Paper presentation.
Gilly, K.; Alcaraz, S.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Scalable QoS content-aware load balancing algorithm for a Web Switch based on classical policies". "IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, AINA2008", GinoWan (Okinawa), Japan, 2008. Publication data: Proceedings. Paper presentation.
Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Quick Ontology Mapping Algorithm for Distributed Environments". "SWWS'08", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2008. Publication data: Proceedings. ISBN: 1-60132-089-2. Paper presentation.
Juiz, C.. , "Software Performance Engineering". "5th European Performance Enginnering Workshop", Palma, Spain, 2008. Publication data: LNCS. Chair of session.
Khouja, M.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.; Kamoun, F.. , "Semantic Interactions for Context-Aware and Service-Oriented Architecture". "OTM Workshops: IWSSA 2008", Monterrey, Mexico, 2008. Publication data: pp: 407-414. Paper presentation.
Khouja, M.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.; Kamoun, F.. , "Semantic Interactions for Context-aware and Service-oriented Architecture". "Ambient Intelligence Forum 2008 (AMIF 2008)", Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 2008. Paper presentation.
Juiz, C.. . "5th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW'08)", Palma, Spain, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Juiz, C.. . "UCAMI 2008, Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence", Salamanca, Spain, 2008. Participation in scientific committee.
Juiz, C.. . "International Workshop on System/Software Architectures (co-located with the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice)", Monterrey, Mexico, 2008. Participation in program committee.
Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Using Ontologies to Improve Performance in a Web System. A Web Caching System Case of Study". "Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies WEBIST 2008", Funchal, Portugal, 2008. Publication data: Proceedings. ISBN 978-989-8111-26-5. Paper presentation.
Lera, I.; Arellano, D.; Cardona, J.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Semantic Model for Facial Emotion to improve the human computer interaction in AmI". "3rd Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI'08", Granada, Spain, 2008. Paper presentation.
Juiz, C.. . "Congreso de Electrónica, Robótica y Mecánica Automotriz (CERMA 2008)", Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Arellano, D.; Lera, I.; Varona, J.; Perales, F.J.. , "Generation and visualization of emotional states in virtual characters". "Computer Animation and Social Agents 2008 Conference", Seúl, Republic Of Korea, 2008. Publication data: Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds. Vol. 19, No.3-4. Paper presentation.
Khouja, M.. . "XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática", Argentina, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "Webist'08. International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies", Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "SPECTS 2008. International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems", Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "UCAMI 08. 3th Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2008", Salamanca, Spain, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "CLEI 08. XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática", Santa Fe, Argentina, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "EPEW 2008. 5th European Performance Engineering Workshop.", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "IWSSA 2008. 7th International Workshop on System/Software Architectures.", Monterrey, Mexico, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "CIAWI 2008. Conferencia IADIS Ibero Americana WWW/Internet 2008", Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "WEBIST 2009. 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies", Lisboa, Portugal, 2008. Participation in review committee.
Guerrero, C.. , "Publicity Chair". "7th Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop. Med-Hoc-Net-2008", Palma, Spain, 2008. Participation in organising committee.
Guerrero, C.. . "International Conference on Modelling and Simulation. Models and Simulation in Engineering, Economics and Management and General Applications. MS'08", Palma, Spain, 2008. Participation in organising committee.