Meetings participation

  • Juiz, C.. , "Workshop on Software and Performance 2007". "WOSP'07", Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on software and Performance, WOSP 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "40th Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference. Proceedings SCS", Norkfolk, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz García, C.. . "Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems", San Diego, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.; Ferrer, J.L.. . "3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST)", Barcelona, Spain, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz García, C.. . "The First International Workshop on Software Architecture Research and Practice SARP 2007", Sillicon Valley, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • I. Lera, C. Juiz, R. Puigjaner. , "Performance-related ontologies for ubiquitous computing". "2nd International Workshop of ubquitous computing and ambient intelligence, WUCAMI06", Puertollano, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Juiz, C.. . "2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, SERP'07", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz García, C.. . "The 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing WORLDCOMP'07 (composed of 28 joint conferences)", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "4th European Performance Engineering Workshop (EPEW'07)", Berlin, Germany, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive Software Systems (SEASS'07)", Pekín, China, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C. i Puigjaner, R.. , "The Applicability of Balanced ESI for Web Caching - A proposed algorithm and a case of study.". "WEBIST 2007 Thrid International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies", Barcelona, Spain, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings of the Thrid International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies. Paper presentation.
  • Carlos Juiz García. . "The 4th International Workshop on the Application of UML/MDA to Software Systems (UMSS'2007).", Las Vegas, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Carlos Juiz García. . "Networking 2007", Atlanta, United States, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "5th International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (EISTA'07)", Orlando, United States, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Juiz, C.;. . "2007 NEXT GENERATION INTERNET NETWORKS 3rd EURO-NGI Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks", Trondheim, Norway, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "WUCAMI 2007, Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence", Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "International Workshop on System/Software Architectures (co-located with the International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice)", Las Vegas, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "Congreso de Electrónica, Robótica y Mecánica Automotriz (CERMA 2007),", Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, 2007. Participation in scientific committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2007)", Ankara, Turkey, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Carlos Juiz García. . "CIAWI 2007 IADIS Internet 2007 conference", Vila Real, Portugal, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Khouja M.; Juiz, C.; Lera, I.; Puigjaner, R.; Kamoun F.. , "An Ontology-based Model for a Context-aware Service Oriented Architecture". "WorldComp'07", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner. , "Semantic Axis Header Mapping Algorithm: building a knoledge bridge". "SSSW'07", Cercedilla (Madrid), Spain, 2007. Poster.
  • Khouja, M.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.; Kamoun, F.. , "An ontology-based model for a context aware service oriented architecture". "5th European Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web", Cercedilla (Madrid), Spain, 2007. Poster.
  • Gilly, K.; Alcaraz, S.; Juiz, C. and Puigjaner, R.. , "Service differentiation and QoS in a scalable content-aware load balancing algorithm". "40th Annual Simulation Symposium", Norfolk, VA, United States, 2007. Publication data: Proc. of 40th Annual Simulation Symposium. IEEE Computer Society. 2007. ISBN:0-7695-2814-7, ISSN: 1080-241X. Paper presentation.
  • S. Alcaraz, K. Gilly, C. Juiz R. Puigjaner. , "A TOKEN BUCKET MODEL WITH ASSURED FORWARDING FOR WEB TRAFFIC". "1st International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems NBIS 2007", Regensburg, Germany, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Thomas, N.. , "Scalable QoS content-aware load balancing algorithm for a cluster based network Web servers". "UKPEW 2007. Edge Hill University", Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Sancho, P.P.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.; Chung, L.; Subramanian, N.. , "An Approach to Ontology-aided Performance Engineering through NFR Framework". "WOSP'07 (Workshop on Software and Performance)", Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007. Publication data: ACM Proceedings of the WOSP'07. ISBN 1-59593-297-6. ACM Order No. 488073. Paper presentation.
  • Lera, I.; Khouja, M.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Introduction to Semantic Axis Header Mapping Algorithm". "WUCAMI 2007, Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence", Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Paper presentation.
  • Khouja M.; Juiz, C.; Lera, I.; Puigjaner, R.; Kamoun F.. , "An Ontology-based Model for a Context-aware Service Oriented Architecture". "SERP 2007", Las Vegas, United States, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings of SERP 2007, ISBN: 1-60132-033-7. Paper presentation.
  • Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C. i Puigjaner, R.. , "Dynamic web fragment architecture". "ZOCO'07/ Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos, JISBD 2007", Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings of the ZOCO'07/JISBD (electronic proceedings). ISSN 1988-3455. Paper presentation.
  • Alcaraz, S.; Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Handling HTTP Flows Over a DiffServ Architecture". "4th IFIP-ACM Latin American Networking Conference LANC 2007", San José, Costa Rica, 2007. Publication data: Porceedings of LANC 2007, ISBN: 978-1-59593-907-4. Paper presentation.
  • Guerrero, C.; Juiz, C. i Puigjaner, R.. , "Dynamic web fragment architecture". "Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos. CEDI 2007", Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings of the ZOCO'07/JISBD (electronic proceedings). Paper presentation.
  • Juiz García, C.. , "IPCV'07- The 2007 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. , "INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SYSTEM/SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES (IWSSA'07)", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Lera, I.; Khouja, M.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Introduction to semantic axis header mapping algorithm". "2nd International Symposium of Ubquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAMI07", Zaragoza, Spain, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium of Ubquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAMI07. ISBN: 978-84-9732-605-6. Paper presentation.
  • Alcaraz, S.; Gilly, K.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Promoting Web Traffic Over a DiffServ Architecture". "IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Computer Information Sciences, ISCIS 2007", Ankara, Turkey, 2007. Publication data: Proceedings. Paper presentation.
  • Lera, I.; Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Semantic Axis Header Algorithm". "SSSW'07 Summer School Semantic Web. The fifth European Summer School on Ontological Engineering and the Semantic Web. 8 -14 July 2007.", Cercedilla (Madrid), Spain, 2007. Poster.
  • Juiz, C.. . "ICAI'07", Las Vegas, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "EEE'07", Las Vegas, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Juiz, C.. . "SAM'07", Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2007. Participation in program committee.
  • Carlos Guerrero. . "Webist'07. International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies", Barcelona, Spain, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Carlos Guerrero. . "CLEI 2007. Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática", San José, Costa Rica, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Carlos Guerrero. . "LANC 2007. Latin America Networking Conference", San José, Costa Rica, 2007. Participation in review committee.
  • Guerrero, C.. , "Organizing Committee Member". "IWSM-Mensura 2007. International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement", Palma, Spain, 2007. Participation in organising committee.