Meetings participation

  • Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Approximate Performance Models of Real-Time Software Systems". "MASCOTS'95. Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Press", Durham, United States, 1995. Publication data: pp: 163-167. Paper presentation.
  • Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Approximate Analytical Model of a Producer-Consumer with Priority Customers". "2nd IFIP Workshop on Queueing Networks of Finite Capacity (IFIP WG 6.3 and 6.4), QNFC'95", Ilkley (West Yorkshire), United Kingdom, 1995. Paper presentation.
  • Juiz, C.; Puigjaner, R.. , "Improved Performance Model of a Real-Time Software Element: The Producer-Consumer". "RTCAS'95. Proceedings IEEE Computer Society Press", Tokio, Japan, 1995. Publication data: pp: 174-179. Paper presentation.
  • Carlos Juiz García. , "Revisor". "Third International Workshop on Queueing Networks with Finite Capacity", Ilkley, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 1995. Participation in review committee.