Meetings participation

  • O. Munar, C. Juiz, R. Puigjaner. , "Extending MASCOT to a Component-Based Software Performance Engineering Methodology". "XVII International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, ISCIS'2002", Orlando, United States, 2002. Paper presentation.
  • Savino-Vazquez, N.; Anciano, J.L.; Juiz, C.; Galmes, S.; Puigjaner, R.;. , "Unified System Builder through Interacting Blocks (USBIB) for Soft Real-time Systems". "WOSP 2002. Proceedings ACM Press", Roma, Italy, 2002. Paper presentation.
  • Carlos Juiz García. . "XXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática", Montevideo, Uruguay, 2002. Participation in review committee.
  • Carlos Juiz García. , "Revisor". "Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems", San Diego, United States, 2002. Participation in review committee.